Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Git Commands

Clone an existing repository
git clone ssh://user@domain.tld/repo.git
Clone an existing repository and all its sub-modules recursively
git clone --recursive ssh://user@domain.tld/repo.git
Create a new local repository
git init
Set the name attached to all your commits
git config [--global] <name>
Set the email attached to all your commits
git config [--global] <email>
Set colorization of command line output for all repos
git config --global color.ui auto
Print set name (in current repository or globally)
git config [--global]
Print set email (in current repository or globally)
git config [--global]
Local Changes
List changed files in your working directory
git status
List changes to tracked files
git diff
Add all current changes in file to the next commit
git add <file>
Add all current changes to the next commit
git add .
Add changes to the next commit interactively
git add -p <file>
Rename file and add it to next commit
git mv <file> <new file name>
Delete file and add its deletion to next commit
git rm <file>
Commit all local changes in tracked files
git commit -a
Commit previously staged changes
git commit
Change the last commit
git commit --amend
Note: You shouldn't amend published commits!
Commit History
Show all commits
git log
Show changes over time for a specific file
git log -p <file>
Show changes over time for a specific committer
git log --author=<committer name>
Note: <committer name> is a pattern, so Ed will match Edward Smith. Quotes are optional if the pattern doesn't contain spaces.
Search (grep) commit messages for the given string
git log --grep=<string>
Who changed what and when in file
git blame <file>
Store changes temporarily
git stash
Remove and apply stashed changes
git stash pop
Remove file from all previous commits but keep it locally
git rm --cached <file>
Branches & Tags
List all existing branches
git branch
Switch HEAD branch
git checkout <branch>
Create a new branch based on your current HEAD
git branch <new-branch>
Create a new tracking branch based on a remote branch
git branch --track <new-branch> <remote-branch>
Delete a local branch
git branch -d <branch>
Delete a remote branch
git push origin --delete <branch>
Rename a branch locally
git branch -m <old name> <new name>
Rename a branch on remote
git push <remote> :<old name>
git push <remote> <new name>
Tag the current commit
git tag <tag-name>
Update & Publish
List all currently configured remotes
git remote -v
Show information about a remote
git remote show <remote>
Add new remote repository
git remote add <remote> <url>
Rename a remote
git remote rename <old-name> <new-name>
Download all changes from remote, but don't merge into HEAD
git fetch <remote>
Download all changes from remote, but don't merge into HEAD and clean up deleted branches from origin
git fetch -p <remote>
Download changes and directly merge into HEAD
git pull <remote> <branch>
Publish local changes on a remote
git push <remote> <branch>
Track a remote repository
git remote add --track <remote-branch> <remote> <url>
Publish your tags
git push --tags
Merge & Rebase
Merge branch into your current HEAD
git merge <branch>
Rebase your current HEAD onto branch
git rebase <branch>
Note: You shouldn't rebase published commits!
Abort a rebase
git rebase --abort
Continue a rebase after resolving conflicts
git rebase --continue
Resolve conflicts using your configured merge tool
git mergetool
Manually resolve conflicts using your editor and mark file as resolved
git add <resolved-file>
git rm <resolved-file>
Discard all local changes in your working directory
git reset --hard HEAD
Discard local changes in a specific file
git checkout HEAD <file>
Revert a commit by providing a new commit with contrary changes
git revert <commit>
Restore a specific file from a previous commit
git checkout <commit> <file>
Reset your HEAD pointer to a previous commit
  • Discarding local changes:
  • git reset --hard <commit>
  • Preserving all changes as unstaged changes:
  • git reset <commit>
  • Preserving uncommitted local changes:
  • git reset --keep <commit>
Make changes, commit and checkout submodule files
Just go the submodule directory and use git as usual
List all currently configured submodules
git submodule
git submodule status
Show information about a submodule
git remote show <remote>
Add a new submodule
Beware of the submodule name you choose: If you use a forward slash (/) git will think you want to delete the submodule and want to add all the files in the submodule directory. Please DON'T use a forward slash after the submodule name.
  1. Run git submodule add -b <branch> --name <name> <repository-path-or-url>
  2. Add the .gitmodule file and submodule folder to the superproject index
  3. Commit both files on the superproject
Remove a submodule
  1. Delete the relevant line from the .gitmodules file
  2. Delete the relevant section from .git/config
  3. Run git rm --cached <submodule-path> (no trailing slash)
  4. Commit the superproject
  5. Delete the now untracked submodule files
Clone a project with submodules
  1. Clone the superproject as usual
  2. Run git submodule init to init the submodules
  3. Run git submodule update to have the submodules on a detached HEAD
Run git clone --recursive ssh://user@domain.tld/repo.git
See all changes on submodules
git diff --submodule
Update the submodules to the lastest changes on their respective branches
git submodule update --remote
Update a specific submodule to the lastest changes on its branch
git submodule update --remote <submodule-name>
Push changes to the superproject only if all submodules are pushed also
git push --recurse-submodules=check
Push changes to the submodules and then push the superproject changes
git push --recurse-submodules=on-demand
Run arbitrary commands on each submodule
git submodule foreach '<arbitrary-command-to-run>'

1 comment:

  1. Hi All!

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    *You can ask for sample before any deal
    *Each lead will be cost $1
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    *If anyone wants in bulk I will negotiate
    *Sampling is just for serious buyers

    Hope for the long term deal
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